VESNA 2019: Plant-based diet congress (Praha)

Čtvrtek 7. 11. 2019  13:00 - neděle 10. 11. 2019  22:00
VESNA 2019: Plant-based diet congress (Praha)
Přidat do kalendáře 07-11-2019 13:00 10-11-2019 22:00 Europe/Prague VESNA 2019: Plant-based diet congress (Praha) ,

VESNA 2019 conference brings together European experts and current research from broad range of fields, presenting current knowledge about plant based diets and related topics. You can look forward for scientific sessions filled with up to date research, keynote lectures about hot topics in the view of top European experts as on practical workshops focusing on the clinical practice involving vegan patients, basic data analysis in medical research or more general discussions about assessment of the level of evidence in nutritional field.

In the program:

- Long term effect of plant based diet

- Vegan and vegetarian pregnancy and children

- Microbiome, metabolome and physiology under plant-based diet

- Bone health and mineral density

- Policies and public health in a changing climate

- Bioactive compounds and their impact on human health

- Workshop for medical professionals wanting to understand the needs of their vegan patients better or learn how to handle their research data in a m,ore effective way

- Meetings of VESNA working groups connecting scientist interested in future research cooperation and discussion about harmonisation of methods used in a plant based diet research

- Gala evening with the opportunity to taste the vegan twist on traditional Central Europe cuisine from the hand of top Prague’s vegan chefs

More about us and the event:
Updated event schedule:


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