Mastering Vegan Outreach (Praha)

Sobota 3. 8. 2019  09:30 - neděle 4. 8. 2019  18:00
Kurzy a semináře
Mastering Vegan Outreach (Praha)
Přidat do kalendáře 03-08-2019 09:30 04-08-2019 18:00 Europe/Prague Mastering Vegan Outreach (Praha) ,

Jedinečná příležitost účastnit se dvoudenního profesionálního školení o tom, jak nejlépe lidem přiblížit veganský způsob života. Školení je bezplatné, neboť jej sponzorují české neziskové organizace zabývající se veganstvím či ochranou zvířat. Workshop vede Alex Bez z Amazing Vegan Outreach. Máte-li zájem se zúčastnit, registrujte se co nejdříve.


Day 1 - Saturday, August 3 9:30 am - 6:00 pm
Day 2 - Sunday, August 4: 9:30 am - 6:00 pm

Location: University of New York in Prague, Londýnská 41, Prague.
Room: Auditorium

To participate in this 2-day, professional communication workshop, please complete the two steps below. Once you have registered, you will receive an email with more instructions.



AVO provides activists with a professional communication skillset to increase success rates in one-on-one, vegan outreach conversations. Adapted from corporate sales trainings, this workshop is intended for vegans and activists who engage in street outreach, VR Outreach, and conversations with friends, co-workers, and family (although no experience is necessary to attend). If you would like to get more people to go vegan, or agree to take challenge22, do not miss this training!

Former Corporate Sales Director, Alex Bez, has spent the last 10 years training and coaching hundreds of salespeople. In this workshop, activists will learn advanced communication skills, be able to practice these skills, and receive feedback. After the workshop, you will be able to adapt to different personality types (aka. social styles), build rapport and gain trust quickly, structure outreach conversations for maximum impact, ask the most effective types of questions, handle objections to veganism like a pro, and ultimately, get more people to commit to going vegan or trying challenge22!

Here are some reviews from previous participants:

"This workshop was completely transformational for me as a vegan outreacher! The skills taught and practiced are not only applicable to vegan outreach but to all areas of communication in our lives. There was a great mix of lecture and interactive activities. The content was so professionally delivered with high standards and great humour. It was truly worth every second of my time!!” -C.S.

"I do a lot of outreach, and the techniques I learned this weekend will help immensely-whether you're a newbie or think you're a pro, Alex will help hone your skills and the animals will thank you.” -R.M.

"The material was presented in a fun and interesting way using tips from Alex's own vegan outreach experience as well as invaluable tools from his success in the private sales sector. I strongly recommend this workshop to anyone who wants to learn how to coach (not push) people to willingly accept to try living a vegan lifestyle for themselves and see how great it feels to live in alignment with their core values and beliefs. Thank you!" -A.N.


Please note that this workshop is not an introduction to veganism. Participants should have a firm grasp on general vegan knowledge (ethics, nutrition, environmental impact, etc.) and have some experience speaking with others about veganism.

NB: There is no price to attend this workshop. AVO is proud to operate on the principles of Gift Economics. This workshop was generously provided as a gift to you by all the activists who participated in the previous Mastering Vegan Outreach workshop. During this workshop, all participants will be encouraged to make a gift (based on their ability) in order to provide this workshop to future participants. Gifts will be accepted in the form of cash, PayPal and Patreon.

Looking forward to seeing you there and developing together as animal rights activists.


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