Effective Vegan Advocacy - CEVA training (Praha)

Sobota 5. 1. 2019  09:00 - neděle 6. 1. 2019  17:00
Kurzy a semináře
Effective Vegan Advocacy - CEVA training (Praha)
Přidat do kalendáře 05-01-2019 09:00 06-01-2019 17:00 Europe/Prague Effective Vegan Advocacy - CEVA training (Praha) The two-day, on-site trainings are led by Dr. Melanie Joyand Tobias Leenaert, who have over 30 years of combined... ,

The two-day, on-site trainings are led by Dr. Melanie Joy and Tobias Leenaert, who have over 30 years of combined experience. Trainings aim to increase the impact of individual advocates and to provide participants with tools to increase the effectiveness of the organizations they may be affiliated with.

Tickets: http://bit.ly/czechCEVA (900 CZK) – 2 lunches, several coffee breaks with light refreshments and drinks is included in the ticket.

What will I learn?

  •     Making a Difference for Animals
  •     Effective Communication
  •     Effective Vegan Advocacy
  •     Making Compassion Easier: Normalizing Veganism
  •     Strategic Vegan Outreach
  •     Sustainable Activism

Who should attend?

Anyone who is passionate about spreading veganism.

What to bring?

Notepad and pen.


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