The biggest mistakes vegans make (webinar)

Čtvrtek 27. 6. 2019  19:00 - 20:30
Kurzy a semináře
The biggest mistakes vegans make (webinar)
Přidat do kalendáře 27-06-2019 19:00 27-06-2019 20:30 Europe/Prague The biggest mistakes vegans make (webinar) ,

Webinář týkající se efektivní komunikace ohledně veganství s Melanie Joy a Alexem Bezem.



Join us for another special webinar where AVO welcomes special guest, Dr. Melanie Joy.

In the first hour, Melanie and Alex will discuss the common communication breakdowns that can lead to frustrating debates, infighting, and burnout. Learn how to avoid these potential pitfalls by communicating authentically and effectively in order to inspire more people to align their actions with their existing values.

The final half hour of the webinar will be reserved for a live question and answer period from webinar participants.

See you there!
-The AVO team

NB: There is no fee for this webinar (or any of AVO's educational services). AVO is proud to operate under the principles of Gift Economics. All participants are invited to make a gift (based on their ability) in order to help AVO provide more webinars and workshops to future participants. For anyone wishing to donate, gifts are accepted via the AVO website:

Looking forward to seeing you on the webinar and developing together as animal rights activists.


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